Friday, April 8, 2011

Heading South

Well, Thursday was a quiet day so we could prepare for our trip through the southern states. Had a lovely lunch at Olive Garden - we all had soup and salad which was delicious. Finished off the meal with a chocolate mint candy. Van explained something about his new iPhone but it was like water off the duck's back in the main.

Packed the car on Friday morning and headed down to Wilson, North Carolina - Rosie's childhood home. In fact we saw the actual house she was raised in which now houses offices for a number of public service agencies. Verandahs on three sides and tall columns holding up the porch roof.

Then we met Erwin and Bryan and checked out their house. It was wonderful. He is Rosie's older brother and they have built a beautiful place.

Spring has really arrived in the south. The dogwood look like snow covered trees under the canopy of the pine trees and underneath them all are pink, red, white, and generally gorgeous azaleas.

We got to Wilson in time to go out to Parker's to eat barbeque - eastern North Carolina style which is a vinegar based. Then we sat around the house and cogitated for a while. Later in the afternoon we went out to wander around the street and see the other houses which were all very large. Lots of them are on my camera.

Did not think we could eat another thing but were forced to go out to Pups (a steakhouse) for supper. Some people managed an entree (which, contrary to it's name is actually the main course) but the Australian company settled for salad and a tasty piece of cheesecake for dessert.

We are all ready to swear we won't eat another bite for four days but, of course, we have the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night and think it will be a lot of nibbles and drinks. Guess that means the resolution will be broken even before we think twice. Urgh! But it tastes so good.

Time for bed and a late breakfast tomorrow. Get to see both Chris and Robert and their ladies at the party. Sleep, ah sweet sleep.

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