Monday, May 9, 2011


The female members of the reading audience will understand the following..... we had a wonderful tour of the colonial town of Williamsburg, Virginia in all its restored glory and we checked out a few stores in the nearby Outlet Mall. Difficult to decide which was of more interest, eh?

Williamsburg is restored to its glory days of around 1780 or so. The main street (Duke of Gloucester Street) is one mile long and the houses and shops lining it are serviced by people dressed for the period. the town spreads about 3 or 4 blocks either side of the main street - all restored. Did a tour of the Governor's Palace and gardens and stopped by for an early tea at Shields Tavern in the colonial area. Also wandered in a couple of shops up the commercial end of the street and picked up a couple of items of interest.

General view of Duke of Gloucester Street

Rosie having tea (!) in the Wythe House

Garden behind the Wythe House

A lovely alleƩ at the Governor's Palace (he was not at home!)
In fact he left around 1776 and hasn't been back

Hobnobbing with the staff at Shields Tavern

Hope you won't mind that we've no photos of the outlet mall. Like any outlet mall it was just full of shops selling stuff at discount prices. Not terribly interesting unless you like bargains and such.

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