Monday, May 9, 2011

Naval Base & Botanic Gardens

After a long hiatus we return to update our blog. Don't ask for specific dates - at least the events are in pretty correct chronological order.

One nice sunny day we headed off to do a tour/cruise on the waters around Norfolk, Virginia. We sat in the shade on the top deck and had a narrated tour as we chugged out past the Norfolk waterfront, marine repair facilities, Portsmouth Naval Hospital (largest Military Hospital in the world), the tourist attraction of the battleship Wisconsin (permanently tied to the waterfront), and the Norfolk Naval Operations Base (home of the US Atlantic Fleet). Very pleasant couple of hours and then back home to rest.

At this point it should be noted all photos are from Margaret's camera - most were taken by her as well.

USS Wisconsin under the American Flag

Back end of an aircraft carrier (George H.W. Bush)
From keel to top it is about 25 stories tall!

Another afternoon, after our usual 10 am rising time and gulp of breakfast, we headed to the Norfolk Botanic Gardens and took a little tractor-pulled tram tour of the gardens. Sadly, the day before, the female bald eagle of a pair with three young in the nest had been struck and killed by an airplane landing at the airport next door. Didn't see the eagles but saw a lot of azaleas and a few camellias in bloom. The rose garden was just starting to show some color and a few rhododendron were peeking out of their buds waiting to bloom a couple of days later.

A grass-roofed  garden shed

We've managed to eat out once or twice - perhaps it would be more accurate to say we have eaten at home once or twice. Had one lovely (but too extensive) meal at Yanni's Greek Restaurant - did not sleep too well that night... wonder why?

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